The Japanese Earthquake and what it can teach us…..

(This is for all my friends who sent me mails asking as to HOW exactly to send peace vibrations to Japan)

Habits. How easily we form habits! We get up daily, brush our teeth, bathe, get ready for work, eat – and with what precision! – all these things, come out of habit. Similarly, our personal choices. Each and every moment of our lives, we are confronted by personal choice – of like or dislike, of love or hate, of embrace or wrestle, of smile or growl, of give or take, of patience or haste, of compassion or indifference, of virtue or vice   – in order to carry on in life, we have to CHOOSE. And once we start choosing a particular choice, it becomes a habit, over a period of time. So, why not DELIBERATELY choose happiness and joy and understanding for sometime, so that it becomes our habit to be happy, joyful, and understanding?

Sounds easy, but it is not so when it comes to practicing this. We take something like 1440 decisions a day if we calculate a decision a minute, in our everyday lives. And each of this choice, influences WHO WE ARE by the end of the day. We must be able to practice love, positivity, understanding, joy, happiness, compassion, etc, in all these decisions, to become a better person.

But what exactly has this to do with the earthquake?

What we think, influences our environment. There is a tribe in Africa, who do not cut trees. When they want a tree to be not there, they simply go and abuse it. The tree dies after a few days. Similarly, our great scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose proved that plants have feelings, with the help of instruments that recorded the plants emotions. Luther Burbank, a great American horticulturist, was able to produce cactus plants without the mandatory thorns, by suggesting to the plants daily that they are protected and that they don’t need the thorns for protection. When our thoughts can affect plants and trees, they certainly can affect the environment! All these only point out to the fact, that our environment, REACTS to our thoughts. In other words, our environment, REFLECTS our thoughts.

When individual thoughts of similar frequency gather in the ether, they become our collective thought, and when the collective thoughts become epidemic in nature, they effect a mass movement. Many examples are quoted in the book, “Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell. ( I am grateful to my ex.boss Shri V.Anand who suggested this book to me many years back)

Many are the movies that had hit the screens recently, on the possible end of this world, like 2012. Most of us who see these movies or hear such theories, harbor fears in our subconscious mind. These individual fears become our collective fears in times of such Natural calamities, resulting in more such events taking place.

If we continue to send out positive thoughts, loving thoughts, and peaceful thoughts, our collective thoughts can turn the tide in favour of Mother Earth. Our collective POSITIVE thoughts are needed by Mother Earth, more than ever now. Our earth appears huge to us, but seen from the universe, it is not even a speck.

In this ever expanding vast vast universe, earth appears to be just a dot from a distance of 6 billion km, when Voyager One took a photo and sent it to NASA as it exited the Solar System. And Carl Sagan says, “Look again at that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every “superstar,” every “supreme leader,” every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there–on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”

And it becomes our responsibility to protect this tiny speck called earth, in this vast universe, by fostering positive, loving, peaceful thoughts. The responsibility, amazingly, is LIMITED to just ourselves! If we think positive, loving, peaceful thoughts, without bothering about others, it will automatically affect our environment, and gradually, pave the way for a better world, is the analogy.

There is a video on youtube titled, “The revolution has begun” (  that shows how the earth’s geophysical statistics got altered drastically when nothing physical was actually happening. The video went on to say that the maximum disturbance that was seen from satellite imaging was during September 2001 when the entire world watched in horror the terror attack on the twin towers. The video was making a case that our collective thoughts altered the geophysical pattern and went on to focus on loving thoughts, asking the viewer to choose love over fear.

Even though we need to see the TV news to know what is happening, let us not get influenced by subconscious fears fanned by the frenzied TRP pitches. During Natural calamities like the Japanese earthquake, most of us sit glued to the television, sympathising with the victims but also at the same time, retaining the fear – the BEST THING THAT WE CAN DO at these times is to CALMLY send waves/vibrations of PEACE and LOVE sitting quietly for sometime. WHEN WE DO IT INDIVIDUALLY, EVEN FOR A FEW MINUTES, IT WILL BECOME A COLLECTIVE EFFORT EVENTUALLY – and ultimately affect the world in a more POSITIVE WAY.

There are many teachers/videos/books/lessons/websites/pages available that teach us the exact way to do it. I follow a simple way : I sit calmly in a chair, spine straight, close my eyes. Then I IMAGINE the globe/earth in space in between my open palms, and then imagine light emanating from my palms to envelope the world in the light of LOVE and PEACE. I hold onto that thought for sometime, and then leave it – it gives me a sense of peace as well.

For earthquake affected Japan, we can imagine the map of Japan or the outline of Japan, and also mentally affirm or say,”I send vibrations of peace and love to the people of Japan affected by the earthquake”

(Readers may kindly note that this technique is different from prayer. I pray too. But this is the technique I practice when I meditate.I am sure that there are more advanced and better ways to do this, and I am sure that there are many masters who teach this – but among many methods that I have come across, this has been the easiest for me for some years now)